2021, Coffee, Camera, New Lens, Nature.


Hello! It’s been a long time. He He. I’ve been super busy, which is a blessing. And, as usual, I kinda forgot I had this blog. That is, until yesterday when I was randomly scrolling through Pinterest and read an article stating the important of blogging as a photographer. So then I remembered this blog. This morning, after making my French press, I opened my laptop to write this blog post.

I guess I should update you all- but nothing super drastic has happened. As the season has died down, January has been more of a slow month, giving me time to just have fun with my photography. The other morning, I was awoken by the very rare sound of the rain. Rain? It can’t be. But indeed, God blessed us in the desert with a lovely morning of rain. lol

So, naturally, I grabbed my camera, my new lens I had bought, laced up my hiking boots, and drove to the nearby park to snag a few foggy, rainy photos. Well, it was more like rainy photos as opposed to fog. But it was still so much fun and I got some beautiful pictures, which I will put below.

And that’s about the update for you! Haha. Excited for this new year and can’t wait to see what it all holds!! πŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by and reading. πŸ™‚ I will do my best to be more consistent with this, so make sure you keep coming back. πŸ™‚

Here are the photos- which one is your favorite?

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