Adventures With Audrey & AJ


It’s Monday. And what better kind of Monday is there than an overcast, slightly chilly kind of Monday? That’s my personal favorite. And having the opportunity to snuggle under a cozy blanket, sip a cup of freshly brewed coffee (or tea) and listen to calm music really makes my soul happy.

And while that’s not the same for everyone (my husband says he gets grumpy on cloudy days lol), I am quite happy that this overcast day is falling on a Monday. My Mondays tend to consist of catching up on leads, sending out galleries, and now, writing my blog post.

I want to extend a big thank you and warm hug to all who have found this little place of mine in this big online world and have chosen to follow me. That is something I don’t want to take lightly. I love being able share my thoughts, my photos, and adventures and having people out there, across the whole world, following along. 🙂

So with that being said, let me share my adventure from yesterday. 🙂 My husband and I decided to spend the day up north in Sedona. We go on road trips quite frequently, and yet, not enough. We would both love to travel even more than we do.

Sedona is only about two hours away, so, after a quick breakfast and a fully packed snack bag, we hit the road. We got some coffee on the way and I pressed play on our road trip playlist and off we went! One of our road trip traditions are crossword puzzles. So we worked on one of those, chatted about future goals, and before we knew it, we were there!

We had a certain hike we wanted to do, but I think all of Phoenix had the same idea, for there were no parking places around! We tried parking behind an entire line of cars, despite the ‘no parking’ signs. But all those cars had $100 tickets on it and that was not how we wanted to spend $100 lol. So we drove to a different hike, eventually found a parking spot, and thus began our hike up the mountain.

We weren’t quite sure of where the trail was, and decided to blaze our own. And it was tough and scary, considering we were bordering the edge of the cliff the entire time! We didn’t know it wasn’t the right trail until we rounded the top part of the cliff and saw the crowds of people on the other side, having walked up the right way. But we definitely felt more adventurous knowing we pushed and challenged ourselves.

It was bright sunshine, around 2 pm, so, from a photographer’s standpoint, it wasn’t ideal lighting. But it was still so much fun, and I got some fun shots, which I will insert below.

So that was our fun adventure. Oh, and then we drove home and it took us over 3 hours. I truly believe all of Phoenix was on that highway lol.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog! Don’t forget to scroll below to see the photos and follow me on instagram @audreywalshphotography

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